What If I Told You... I Can Show You How To Never Have Acne Again?
If you have acne and want it gone.
If you've "tried everything already" but nothing works.
If you're feeling discouraged and hopeless.
If you've accepted the "it's all genetic" lie.
Before you give up... please read this message.

Hi! My name is Simone Sydel. I'm a skincare expert specializing in oily and acne-prone skin.
& I too have acne.
(or shall I say had acne?)
Trust me... I know how it feels to be hopeless!
I know what it's like not being able to enjoy life to the fullest because of acne.
I know how embarrassing acne can be, especially when it comes to dating.
I know how deeply it stings when someone points it out.
I also know what it's like to wake up in the morning and not liking who you see in the mirror.
I can honestly say having acne has been the most difficult thing I've ever had to deal with.
It damn-near ruined me.
"It felt like a curse was put on me"
There were some dark, dark days.
But I'm glad to say...
It's over!
I won the battle.
Just to give you an idea of how extreme my acne was.
Here's me in the middle of one of my worst breakouts. You can see the defeat in my eyes.

Now here's me enjoying a night out with my husband looking back at that old pitiful me.

While I can genuinely say having acne has been one of the most difficult periods of my life
I can also say it has changed my life for the better!
here's why...
In my last (desperate) attempt to get rid of my acne, I decided to start learning about the skin and eventually became a certified esthetician.
Many months and many money spent later, this helped me realize:
• why my acne was there
• why I couldn't get rid of it, and yes:
• how to fix it.
My formal training also allowed me to help people like me who are dealing with this exhausting struggle through my private practice and through my blog, which helps tens of thousands of readers a month learn how to take better care of their skin.
Acne is a very misunderstood condition!
Even though the skin is the largest organ...
it's also the most misunderstood.
This is why the millions of people who struggle with acne continue having acne no matter what they do or what they buy.
That's because they don't understand acne.
People will spend months - years even - stressing about their acne but they never actually try to understand why it's there and why they're constantly breaking out.
Sounds familiar?
I'm sure it does.
Again... I know because I've been there.
I too have tried everything and I've made all the mistakes.
We want to find that quick overnight fix, but it doesn't work like that
and people should stop expecting that because the disappointment won't end.
Nothing works overnight.
You can't treat acne without first understanding your skin and why acne happens.
Just like acne takes time to form, it also takes time to heal.
A simple pimple can take up to 8 weeks to form (before you ever see it on your face).
Although it may feel like it...
Acne doesn't come to destroy your life.
Your skin is not out to get you.
Acne happens because there's a problem somewhere.
It's an inflammatory response.
& when you know what is causing your acne, you know how to fix it (or at least manage it).
Did you know?
Many people with acne cause their own acne!
Or they exacerbate it by following the wrong advice, randomly buying skincare products without checking ingredients, expecting everything to work quickly, and giving up soon after.
You'll never get rid of acne like that.
It's a process.
Everything needs to come together.
The good news is: you can fix your skin.
You can banish acne once and forever.
You can have healthy, glowing skin.
You can live a healthy, happy & confident life.
Being tortured by acne is no way to live life.
& you know this.
"But I have oily skin, my skin is just prone to acne. It's genetics. I can't change that!"
Yes, oily skin is genetic. Acne isn't.
I don't know why people get stuck on this.
It's possible to have oily skin, without having acne.
Having oily skin is not the curse you think it is.
Oily skin is great actually!
- It lubricates the skin.
- The skin feels supple & comfortable.
- It slows down aging.
- The natural oil is also mildly antibacterial - and...
- Oily skin also has mild UV protective properties.
So please, understand this...
Having oily skin does not mean you need to have acne.
Acne is a bacterial issue, not an oily issue.
Knowing what you know now...
Let Me Show You How To Get Rid of Acne...
Start by first understanding your skin.
Understand how the skin functions.
Understand why acne happens and what you can do to prevent it.
Adopt a healthy and efficient skincare routine (good skincare is not expensive, nor is it hard to find).
Learn about the types of ingredients that work best for your skin type and which ones you need to deal with your acne.
(What worked for your best friend will not necessarily work for you).
To get rid of acne, I had to unlearn a lot of things.
That is what allowed me to finally move past that period of my life.
It took me years, cost me thousands, and I've experimented with my skin more than I'd like to admit.
The good news is...
You don't have to go through all that yourself.
(The Ultimate Guide To A Flawless Complexion)

To help you make sense of everything and get you started on the right path towards perfect skin...
I've created an in-depth course that covers absolutely everything you need to know about the skin, acne and how to achieve that perfect complexion.
I've seen firsthand how much bad information there is out there when it comes to acne.
It's scary & there's real damage being done.
Damage that would undoubtedly lead to even more acne & permanent scarring if followed.
I once had a tweet go viral reaching over 1,000,000 impressions.
It brought me thousands of messages of abuse, insults, and even death threats
(yes! death threats over a skincare tweet).
What could have possibly warranted such a backlash?
Here's what I said.....

What upset people (I believe) is the underlying message of the tweet which claims...
Acne is "not normal"
but it isn't.
Acne is an inflammatory response to something you're doing wrong.
(Again, oily skin doesn't automatically mean you need to have acne).
Until you accept that and figure out what you can do to eliminate acne
You will continue having acne & you will continue wasting precious time and money on remedies that will never work.
In hindsight, I understand why my tweet upset so many people.
They've been led to believe having acne is just a part of normal/everyday life for people with oily skin and faulty genetics.
That is NOT true.
That's dangerous misinformation and it opened my eyes to how much people do not know about the skin and why acne happens.
That is why I created the Acne Solution course.
I wanted to "set the record straight" for those who want to get rid of acne and those willing to do what it takes to not let acne define who they are.
With that said...
Here's What You Can Look Forward to Learning Inside the Acne Solution Course...
~ Understanding how your skin works and why it's constantly breaking out (and what you can do about it).
~ How acne works, why it happens, and what are the not-so-obvious triggers that may be causing you acne (without you knowing).
~ What sort of products and ingredients you need to calm your current acne flare-ups (and which ones to use to prevent future breakouts).
~ How to heal acne scars, which is something you have to start treating right now unless you want to end up with acne scarring forever.
~ What lifestyle changes you need to make to treat your acne with targeted, specific, and science-founded products and routines.
~ Everything I've learned in my studies to understand how the skin works and treating my own acne (and those of my clients in my private practice).
~ and much, much more (you can see the entire course curriculum below).
The goal here is to teach you how to get that clear, near-flawless complexion
but before I show you how this course will get you there,
Here are some testimonials from clients who have followed my advice:

I haven't had any new major breakouts!
I bought this course because I've struggled with acne for many years and never understood what is triggering it for me. Simone explained this in great detail and I'm glad to report I haven't had any new major breakouts.

My favorite was module 4 which really gave me some quick and EASY solutions I can work with. I even figured out a totally new skincare routine that so far it's working extremely well.
It's working extremely well!

This has become my go-to guide for acne!
I am so glad I purchased this course. It has become my "go-to guide" for understanding the acne issues that I have had since my teenage years. Hopefully not for long now!

I came across this course in the middle of an acne breakout and decided to buy it. I'm stunned by the level of information provided in this course. I love it! I read half of it in a couple of hours. It all makes sense now.
It all makes sense now!

I'm blow away by the information in this course!
I’m an esthetician trying to learn as much as I can about acne to better help my clients. I’m blown away by the information in this course. It's clear Simone knows what she's talking about.

The Acne Solution is not your average quick-fix course. It is all about understanding the how, the why, and the what. It will provide you with all the information you need to clear your acne.
All the information you need to clear your acne.

My acne started improving well before I finished this course!
If you have been struggling with acne, this course is for you! Simone writes from her personal experiences, which makes this super relatable and enjoyable to read. My acne started improving well before I finished this course.

I've been following Simone for a while now and I follow all the recommendations she shares on her blog and Twitter. This course is packed with all the great tips and advice you need to clear your acne. I love it!
Packed with all the great tips and advice!

The 12 Modules Inside The Acne Solution Course (EXPLAINED)

This is where I explain how me and you will tackle this acne problem together.
I'll explain what you can look forward to learning - and:
what I expect of you as we start working together to help you get rid of acne once and forever.

In this module, we will start going into detail on how our skin functions, which if you remember from above, is step number one in fighting acne.
I'll explain the skin's different layers, explaining the lipid matrix and the importance of the acid mantle.
After you're done with this lesson, you'd be able to:
• Understand how the skin functions, which will tell you WHY you're getting acne.
• Identify if your skin is healthy (and what you should do about it if it isn't).
• How to boost your skin's defense system (this is a very important step).

• What are the leading causes of acne?
• Which acne type are you experiencing?
• Is it severe, mild, or moderate?
• What can you do about it?
In this module, you will learn how to identify & grade your acne, which is crucial before moving on to the practical solutions I provide in the next module.

This is one of my longest modules and for good reason.
Here, you will learn all the effective acne solutions that you can do to tame your acne-prone skin.
You will learn:
• how to create an effective skincare routine
• how to cleanse
• how to exfoliate, and...
• how to moisturize (and in which order).
Layering your products right is crucial if you want to have the maximum benefits they provide.
I will also reveal the one thing you're probably doing that is preventing your skin from healing (hint: it's causing your skin to become even oiler!).
If one of your biggest challenges with skincare is not knowing how to create an effective skincare routine, this is where we fix that.

Once you identify the type of acne you're dealing with, you are going to need to get the skincare products with the right ingredients for your skin type/condition.
But how do you know which skin care ingredients should be added to your routine?
This is what this module is all about as I know how confusing it can be figuring out the best ingredients to use.
Once you go through this module, you'll be able to identify the right ingredients for your skin type (thus making sure you're giving your skin what it needs to start its healing process).

Containing 10 separate lessons, this module will teach you how to recognize a few very-important-but-less-obvious things in your skincare routine. For example:
You will learn:
• how to do a proper patch test
• how to recognize allergic reactions causing you the (painful) acne breakouts
• how to identify your acne triggers
• how to differentiate between a breakout and a purge, and much more.
I will also show you how to recognize if your skin is on a good path to healing (so you'll know exactly if what you're doing is working).

Module seven is all about actives.
Actives are the main ingredients in a skincare product that target very-specific skin concerns.
You will learn about:
• which actives you need (depending on your acne)
• how to introduce actives in your routine
• how to combine acne-safe actives - and
• how to layer actives (without risking further irritation).

If you're not worried about acne scarring, you should be.
Scarring is a very serious problem and it can last much longer than acne itself if you're not careful.
When it comes to scarring, prevention is better than cure, so you should pay close attention to the lessons I provide here.
You will learn all about the different types of acne scarring (such as hyperpigmentation and erythema) and what treatments you can do yourself for each one.

It's now time to start building your own skincare routine based on what you learned.
Here you will find a list of my favorite cleansers, exfoliators, treatments, moisturizers, and of course, sunscreens!
Once you go through this module, your skincare will no longer be a guessing game but rather:
A targeted solution to get rid of your acne quickly and efficiently.

The nutrients you feed your body affect how your skin functions more than you might believe.
In this module, I will share with you science-backed research on the connection between acne and gut health.
You will also find a list of acne-safe foods and supplements you may want to consume (and which to avoid), and of course...
The exact same "acne-safe" shopping list I give to all my clients and students.

In the bonus module, you'll find a few additional tips and ideas to help you avoid the many traps (and scams) within the skincare industry.
I'll share my thoughts on consumerism and this constant push for more and more products (not to mention all the harmful "10-step" skincare routines).
I will also show you how to save money on your skincare by only buying what your skin needs. Don't worry: a good skin care regimen is not expensive!

By the time you get to the last module, you should already be seeing some positive results.
To help you stay on the right track, you will find a few - very important - closing thoughts from me, as well as..
My books containing the 20+ skincare rules to live by, and the 20+ skincare mistakes to avoid.
I recommend you keep these printed and close to you and always double-check with them when in doubt.
What I Expect From You...
Follow what's in the course.
Apply the techniques and lessons you learn.
Take it lesson by lesson. Day by day.
It's designed in a way where lessons build on each other.
If you follow it as I laid it out for you, I'm sure you will see results.
In fact, I guarantee it.
Everything I've laid out in this course is designed to help you understand how your skin functions and what you need to do to get rid of your acne.
It's as straightforward as that.
You'll have access to everything I've learned laid out in a simple, step-by-step format making it an easy-to-follow system designed to give you what you want:
a flawless acne-free complexion.
but you do need to follow it.
Don't skim through it.
If anything doesn't make sense, ask questions.
I'm a firm believer anyone can get rid of acne, and if you're still reading this, I know I can help you.
You don't have to hate your skin.
You don't have to suffer acne forever.
You don't have to keep spending your hard-earned money on skincare products that actually make acne worse.
& even if you've "tried everything already"
this course will help you understand why your previous attempts failed and give you a clear path towards perfect skin.
With that said, this course is not for everyone either.
This Acne Solution course is NOT for you if...
• You're After a "Fast-Solution" That Cures Acne Instantly.
Unfortunately, just like acne takes time to form, it also takes time to heal.
Rushing to find an overnight solution will most definitely lead to disappointment.
• You're Not Ready To Make Some Minor Lifestyle Changes
As you go through the course, you might find that some of your lifestyle choices may be the cause of your acne.
It could be your favorite food. It could also be your choice of makeup or the skin care products you've been using.
Whatever it is, this course will show you how to identify the issue causing your acne and give you a practical solution to solve it.
It's up to you to take the necessary steps to cure your acne.
• You Think "Natural" is Better Than Science-Based Skincare
I will never tell you to rub a lemon on your (inflamed) acne. That's insanity.
You won't find any recommendations for apple cider vinegar and turmeric face-masks either.
What I share in this course is all based on science-based skincare research which has been tested and proven to work.
On the other hand...
The Acne Solution course IS perfect for you if...
• You're Fed Up of The Constant Acne
Acne can be challenging, and when you're not equipped with the correct information, it's a condition that makes life unnecessarily harder.
If you're tired of dealing with a skin that seems to be conspiring against you, this course is for you.
• You Have Low Self-Confidence (Because of Your Acne)
It doesn't have to be like that. You do not have to accept acne any longer.
If you're tired of having low self-esteem in your private life, at work, and in social situations because of your acne, this course is for you.
• You're Worried You Will Never Get Rid of Your Acne
Acne can often make you feel hopeless and helpless. As an Esthetician, I can tell you this is far from the truth.
Acne can be cured, and so can yours.
• You've Tried Everything Already (But You Still Have Acne)
If you've tried every single remedy on the internet and if you're tired of reading countless BS articles with conflicting advice that never get you the results you're looking for, this course is for you.
• You Want To A Simple & Effective Skincare Routine
You don't need a 12-step routine.
You also don't need to buy every new product.
You just need to know how the skin functions, why acne happens, and the proper steps to treat acne.
You need a simple and effective routine.
If your skincare routine is random guessing with no real thought behind it, this course is for you.
• You've Spent Way Too Much Money Already (But You Still Have Acne)
As I always say, good skincare doesn't have to be expensive.
If you'd like to learn how to pick the right products for your skin and heal your acne without breaking the bank, this course is for you.
• You're Worried About Permanent Acne Scarring
When it comes to scarring, prevention is better than cure.
If you've been neglecting your acne, and you're now learning about the potential for permanent acne scarring, this course is definitely for you.
• You Understand Acne Is A Serious Problem That Needs Solving
As a skincare expert (& as someone who had her life made 100X more difficult because of acne), I'm not a fan of this acne-positivity movement...
and you shouldn't be either!
If you're ready to get serious about treating your acne and you're ready for all the fantastic experiences this will open you up to you; this course is for you.
• You're Ready To Read Every Word & Watch Every Video
Promise me that if you decide to get this course today, you will read every word and watch every video.
I've put a lot of work into creating this course and I genuinely believe I can help you get rid of your acne the same way I've done for myself and my clients.
If you're willing to dedicate yourself to learning and understanding everything I've laid out for you in this course, this course is for you.
Here's What The People Who Followed My Advice Have To Say...
Finally! A guide was written by a professional who genuinely understands the skin. Simone saved my life!
Think of this course as an investment: The knowledge in it will ultimately save you time and money. It's worth every penny.
I bought this course for my daughter who's currently dealing with acne and she loves it. Thank you Simone.
I don't get any new breakouts anymore. My skin looks younger, brighter and smoother than ever before.
It took a little less than two months for me to see a difference. My acne is almost all gone now!
When I found Simone, my acne was worse than ever. I hesitated for a bit but eventually gave your program a go, and I’m glad I did! My face has never been clearer!
My skin has never looked better. I would definitely recommend anyone to give it a try
For the first time in years, my skin perfectly clear!
Six weeks after following Simone's advice, I have seen a remarkable difference in my acne!
I always had acne! Your program did a fantastic job of showing me the right way. Thank you, Simone.
What Types of Acne Will This Course Help With?
This course is focused more on inflammatory and non-inflammatory acne such as open and closed comedones (blackheads and whiteheads), papules, pustules, and deeper cysts.
What Types of Acne Will This Course NOT Help With?
People who have rosacea, conglobata, fungal acne, and other (more serious) types of acne should not get this course. The course might help you, but it was not created to deal with such severe acne.
You're more than likely going to need medication so it's best to go directly to a dermatologist.
Will This Course Help With Butt, Back, and Chest Acne?
The course is primarily about facial acne but yes, the same methods apply to other types of body acne. When you know what triggers acne, you will know how to treat it anywhere.
How Is This Course Delivered?
Lessons are text-based, but you will also find instructional videos from me with every module.
As well as downloadable workbooks, pdfs, and quizzes I've created to help make sure you stay on the right track.
What Happens After I Sign Up?
Once you're signed up, you will get immediate access to the course so you can start learning. You will also have access to all future updates and upgrades.
Is This Course Suitable For Men As Well?
Yes. If you're a man and you're experiencing constant acne breakouts, you'd benefit greatly from the practical, no-nonsense solutions I've laid out in this course.
Can I Ask Questions & Get Feedback on My Routine?
As my student, you get unlimited one-on-one access to me whenever you have any questions or need some tailored advice.
Under each lesson, you will find a comment section where you can ask me questions related to the topics of the lesson, or you can send me a private message via email or get advice in my private skincare community.
Do you want to stop missing out on life?
Do you know how great it feels not needing to worry about another sudden breakout.
If you're ready to make acne a thing of the past
I'd like to invite you to join me and my other happy students inside the Acne Solution course.
The course price is normally set at a one-time payment of $297
but I know times are hard
& you've made it all the way down here too so I know you're serious about making this work.
For that reason, I'm offering you my Acne Solution for a one-time payment of $97.
That's $200 less than its usual price and your satisfaction is guaranteed with a 30-day money-back guarantee (if you find this course is not for you).
Get instant lifetime access to the Acne Solution course for one-time payment of $97 (down from $297) and get rid of acne once and forever.
Here's what you can look forward to getting:
NB: If you click on the button and you see the price has bounced back to $297, it means the offer is over.
my 100% Risk Free Guarantee
I'm here for you every step of the way and if you'd like my help, all you have to do is ask. However... if, for any reason, you don't find my course helpful, you can get a full refund anytime within 30 days.

Thank you for reading this message.
That's it from my side. It's now up to you. If you're ready to get started, I look forward to seeing you inside my Acne Solution Course and working together to help your win your battle with acne once and for all.
~Simone *your new skincare mentor* Sydel.