Can You Get Clear Skin By Drinking More Water?

While some believe that drinking water can improve skin health, others argue that it has little to no impact on the skin’s appearance.

However, it turns out that drinking more water can bring you a step closer to clear skin, and the way water works once it’s inside the body is a pretty good indicator of why.

But with that said, it’s still important to remember that acne is a complex condition that can be caused by many internal and external factors, abnormalities, and imbalances.

Hence, drinking more water alone likely won’t be the only solution to achieving clear skin.

However, if you still want to understand all the ways water can help you get clear skin and how to increase water intake in your daily routine, then keep reading.

Can You Get Clear Skin By Drinking More Water

NB: I can show you how to never have acne again. If you have acne and want it gone, read this message.

Can You Get Clear Skin By Drinking More Water?

Drinking an adequate amount of water daily can help you get clear skin, improve your complexion and boost overall skin health.

This is because water is essential for our body’s functions, such as digestion, absorption, circulation, and excretion.

Through these mechanisms, water helps flush waste products from our bodies, which can improve skin conditions like acne.

However, while increasing your water intake is a step in the right direction toward achieving clearer skin, it’s crucial to recognize that acne is a complex condition influenced by a variety of factors, including genetics, hormones, diet, as well as lifestyle and skincare habits.

Therefore, while staying well-hydrated can support skin health and may help reduce the severity of acne, it should not be seen as a standalone cure.

Achieving and maintaining clear skin often requires a comprehensive approach that includes adequate skincare, a balanced diet, and, in some cases, medical treatments.

Water can help you get one step closer to your goal of clear skin, but it’s likely not the ultimate solution to an acne-free complexion.

5 Ways Drinking More Water Can Help Clear Skin

Here are five important ways drinking more water can help clear skin:

Aiding Digestion

Good digestion ensures that the nutrients necessary for skin health are properly broken down and absorbed.

When your body efficiently absorbs these nutrients, it can effectively circulate them to your skin cells, providing them with the vitamins and minerals needed to remain healthy and moving rather than become sluggish, which can cause them to get stuck inside the pores and lead to acne.

Improving Circulation

Proper circulation allows for the removal of toxins and waste, which, if accumulated, can cause skin dullness, slowed-down cellular turnover, accumulation of cellular debris inside the pores, and, of course, acne.

Facilitating Excretion

Adequate water intake facilitates the excretion process, helping the body eliminate waste consisting of bacteria, artificial hormones found in food and medicine we consume daily, and other impurities through urination and bowel movement.

This can help improve the skin’s appearance, as dehydration and even constipation can often manifest on the skin as dryness, inflammation, acne, and a sallowy, greyish complexion that makes us look sick.

Improving Lymphatic Function

Water consumption directly contributes to the optimal function of the lymphatic system, an essential part of the body’s detoxification process.

A well-hydrated lymphatic system efficiently removes waste and bacteria that, if accumulated, can exacerbate skin conditions like acne, eczema, and other inflammatory concerns.

Cell Hydration

Hydrating your body from the inside out ensures that your skin cells are adequately nourished.

Water helps in maintaining cell health and integrity, leading to a plumper, more vibrant skin texture.

Tips for Increasing Water Intake for Clear Skin

can you get clear skin by drinking more water

Boosting your daily water intake is a simple yet effective strategy for enhancing your overall health and improving your skin’s appearance.

Here are practical tips to help you stay well-hydrated throughout the day if you struggle with drinking enough water:

Start Your Day with Water

Kick off your morning by drinking a glass of water.

This can be warm water with a pinch of salt to facilitate excretion or plain water to rehydrate your body and activate your internal organs after hours of resting.

Flavor Your Water

If you find plain water unappealing, try adding natural flavors.

Lemon, cucumber, mint, ginger, or berries can make hydration more enjoyable and encourage you to drink more.

Drink Before Meals

Having a glass of water before each meal can aid digestion and prevent overeating.

It’s also a straightforward habit to adopt that ensures you get extra water in your day.

Opt for Herbal Tea

Incorporate herbal teas into your daily liquid intake.

Herbal teas, such as chamomile, peppermint, or green tea, can be a warming and relaxing way to increase your water intake without added calories.

These teas often come with their own set of health benefits, including anti-inflammatory properties and antioxidants, which can further support skin health and overall well-being.

Choosing caffeine-free options ensures that you can enjoy them throughout the day and evening without affecting your sleep patterns.

Monitor Your Urine

Your urine color can be an indicator of hydration levels.

Aim for a light straw color as a sign of proper hydration.

Darker urine with a strong odor suggests you need to drink more water.

Listen to Your Body

Pay attention to signs of dehydration, such as thirst, dry mouth, fatigue, and frequent headaches.

Your body knows best, so drink water whenever you feel these symptoms.

Incorporating these tips into your daily routine can significantly impact your hydration levels, contributing to better health and clearer, more radiant skin.

Remember, making small, consistent changes is key to developing lasting habits.

Tips for Increasing Hydration Through Diet for Clear Skin

Increasing hydration through your diet is a smart and effective way to support clear, healthy skin.

Here’s how to ensure your eating habits contribute to your hydration goals and skin health:

Incorporate Hydrating Foods

Include fruits and vegetables that are high in water content in your daily menu.

Cucumbers, celery, zucchini, watermelon, strawberries, and oranges are not only refreshing but also hydrate your body and skin from the inside out.

Eat More Soups and Broths

Light soups and broths, especially those made with lots of vegetables, can help you increase your daily water intake.

They’re also packed with vitamins and minerals that are essential for maintaining healthy skin.

For an extra anti-aging boost, try incorporating bone broth, which is rich in gelatin, a building block of collagen that can help reduce the appearance of dullness, lines, and wrinkles and keep the skin plump and supple.

Choose Smoothies Wisely

Smoothies can be a hydrating and nutritious option, especially when made with a base of water, coconut water, or milk (if you’re not sensitive to it.)

Add in hydrating fruits and vegetables, and perhaps some flaxseed or chia seeds for omega-3 fatty acids, which can help maintain the skin’s barrier function, reduce inflammation, and soothe acne.

Snack on Yogurt

Yogurt, especially plain, unsweetened varieties, is another hydrating food that can support skin health.

It contains probiotics that may help with digestion and reduce inflammation, potentially leading to clearer skin.

Dehydrating Factors to Avoid for Clear Skin

Maintaining clear skin should involve not only including hydrating habits and nutrient-rich foods in your daily routine but also being mindful of the dehydrating factors that are causing the harm in the first place.

Besides introducing healthier lifestyle and diet habits, here are some dehydrating elements to minimize or completely avoid for clearer, healthier skin:

High Sodium Foods

Foods with high sodium content can cause dehydration and puffiness in the skin by causing the body to retain water.

Processed foods, snacks, canned soups, and fast food are often high in sodium and should be consumed in moderation.

Additionally, cooking with less salt or using herbs and spices as a substitute for flavor can reduce your daily sodium intake and help you maintain clear, plump skin.


While a moderate amount of caffeine can have benefits, too much can lead to dehydration.

Caffeinated beverages like coffee, black tea, and energy drinks can increase urine production, potentially leading to dehydration if not balanced with water intake.


Alcohol is a diuretic, which means it can lead to increased fluid loss and dehydration.

Excessive alcohol consumption can also affect your sleep quality and skin regeneration, contributing to a dull and dehydrated complexion.

Sugary Beverages

Drinks high in sugar, such as sodas, sweetened teas, and fruit juices, can spike your blood sugar levels and lead to dehydration and inflammation that can directly contribute to acne, rosacea, rashes, etc.

Processed Foods

Processed and pre-packaged foods often contain little to no water content, in addition to being high in sodium and preservatives, which can dehydrate your body and skin, and trigger inflammation that can result in skin conditions such as acne.


Smoking is one of the most harmful habits for your skin and overall health.

It significantly impairs your skin’s ability to regenerate, leading to premature aging, increased wrinkles, and a dull complexion.

Additionally, some studies show that tobacco can be a major factor responsible for the appearance of acne.

This is because the oil-producing glands in our skin are sensitive to acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that is stimulated by nicotine.

Acetylcholine leads to cellular differentiation, inducing hyper-keratinization and increased oil production and composition, particularly reducing antioxidant agents and increasing peroxidation of sebum components, such as squalene.

This means that nicotine can change the structure of our natural skin oil and cause it to become stiff and oxidized, which means it will have a higher predisposition to becoming stuck inside the pores, where it will trigger inflammation and acne instead of traveling toward the skin’s surface.

Therefore, quitting smoking can drastically improve your skin’s hydration levels, complexion, and overall health, helping to restore its natural glow, vitality, and clarity.

Exposure to External Heat Sources

Exposure to external heat sources can significantly dehydrate your skin, stripping away its natural moisture and exacerbating dryness and irritation.

Direct heat from the sun is a well-known culprit, but indoor heat sources like central heating, space heaters, and fireplaces can also contribute to a dull and dehydrated complexion.

These heat sources can reduce the humidity levels in the air, making it dry, which in turn, pulls moisture from the skin.

Over time, this can lead to a compromised skin barrier, making your skin more susceptible to inflammation, sensitivity, and acne breakouts.

To combat the dehydrating effects of external heat, it’s crucial to:

  • Use a Humidifier: Especially during winter or in dry climates, to add moisture back into the air and help maintain your skin’s hydration.
  • Stay Hydrated: Increase your water intake to help replenish moisture lost due to heat exposure.
  • Moisturize Regularly: Use a hydrating moisturizer to lock in moisture and protect the skin barrier, opting for products that contain hyaluronic acid or ceramides.
  • Apply Sunscreen: Sunscreen often contains ingredients like zinc oxide, which not only protects the skin from UV damage and cell-degrading pollutants but also actively relieves irritation caused by dryness.

By minimizing exposure to direct and indirect heat sources and following these protective measures, you can help keep your skin hydrated and healthy, reducing the risk of dehydration and preserving its clear, radiant appearance.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Drinking Water Help Clear Skin?

Adequate water intake is critical for maintaining skin hydration, flushing out waste consisting of bacteria, and promoting clear skin.

How Much Water Should I Drink to Get Clear Skin?

It’s generally recommended to drink at least six to eight glasses of water per day to support clear skin, although individual needs may vary.

Can a Lack of Water Cause Acne?

While dehydration may not be the main cause of acne, it can contribute to the condition by compromising the skin’s natural barrier function and making it more vulnerable to bacterial colonization and inflammation. 

The Acne Solution: Your Ultimate Guide To Flawless Complexion

An extensive, no-nonsense course showing you how to never have acne again, from a licensed Esthetician specializing in oily/acne-prone skin.

2 thoughts on “Can You Get Clear Skin By Drinking More Water?”

  1. Hello Simone. Thanks for all you do. I followed you on Twitter and I’m loving it. I stay in Nigeria where the sun is always much. I’m brown skin by nature but due to the nature of the weather, I’ve darkened and don’t like it. Late last year, I had serious acne breakout. I was using fair and white Gold 2 body cream on my face and skin and extract soap. And it dealt badly with me. The acne is gone as a dermatologist helped me get rid of it. I’m left with dark spots and a darkened face overall. Now, I’m skeptical about the soap to be using to lighten my face and body that won’t break me out in future.
    I want to brighten up.

    • Hi Adanna and thanks for reaching out!

      To effectively lighten hyperpigmentation from the skin, you need to use melanin inhibitors which are ingredients that help prevent uneven deposition of melanin.

      Known melanin inhibitors are niacinamide, arbutin, hydroquinone, and kojic acid.

      I hope this helps you 🙂


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