10 Tips For Starting A Skincare Blog (From A Skincare Blogger)

Everyone always wants to look their best and it is what skincare and makeup companies are counting on. Therefore, it is not a surprise that the beauty industry is generating billions of dollars yearly.

Currently, the global beauty industry is worth $500 billion and is growing faster today than ever before with an estimated market value of over $800 billion by 2023.

Therefore, many young beauty and skincare enthusiasts are tempted to start their own beauty blog or social media account and share different beauty tips, hacks, and tricks that might help people in their day-to-day lives.

While this can definitely be a very lucrative business, there are quite a few things you need to consider before starting such a project, therefore…

Here are my 10 tips for starting a skincare blog:

  • Find Your Niche
  • Come Up With A Catchy Blog Name
  • Choose Your Platform
  • Choose A Simple WP Theme
  • Choose Your Target Audience
  • Set Up Your Categories
  • Write In A Way People Will Understand
  • Do Your Research
  • Be Honest
  • Monetize Your Blog

NB: If you already have a skincare blog that’s getting traffic, you may want to see the 8 ways I make money with my skincare blog

how to start a skincare blog

Find Your Niche

There are literally millions of skin products, makeup products, and other beauty devices in hundreds of categories. So, before you start a beauty blog, it is important to understand that it’s impossible to write effectively about all of them.

Therefore, it is ridiculous to think that you can establish yourself as an authority on everything.

In order to make a successful blog with a good and loyal following, you have to figure out what will you be focusing on.

For example, if you have medical credentials or experience in the professional skincare world, you can go for a more curative approach.

Your readers will come to your blog because they want to learn more about products that can provide them medical benefits.

On the other hand, general skincare is also a great place to start. This typically focuses on sharing what is your skincare routine or current favorite products.

Additionally, you can set up your blog to be a purely product review-based, therefore you will be able to generate a decent amount of following by being detailed about products you have tried and how they performed for you.

Reviews work excellent because nobody wants to throw a lot of money on something they fear might not work for them, therefore, your followers will very much be interested to read about someone else’s experience before purchasing a beauty product.

Come Up With An Easy And Catchy Blog Name

After you’ve carefully planned out what type of content you will be putting out there for people to read, it is time to decide on an easy and catchy blog name.

And why do I say easy and catchy?

Because no matter how bomb the content you put out might be, people simply are not programmed to remember difficult names, no matter how much they enjoy what you write about.

Therefore, you need to come up with a unique, memorable name that will stand out, but won’t be too difficult to think of.

For example, let’s say you focus on educating people how to treat acne and there is someone that just attacked all their blackheads at 1 AM and they have no idea how to soothe their inflamed skin.

Trying to think of a complicated blog name will not help the cause, and I am not saying that you will necessarily lose that follower, but they will not have access to your content when they need it, therefore, it won’t be of any help to them.

And your blog is focusing on helping people overcome their skin concerns, right?

When trying to come up with a name, try to mix and match a selection of words that people use on the daily and once you have a list of potential names, type them into a domain search to check if you are in luck and the domain is available to you.

Here is a list of excellent blog name generators.

Choose Your Platform

When it comes to personal choices, I highly recommend WordPress for starting a successful beauty or skincare blog. A blog is nothing without a great theme where you can have widgets, ads, shopping pages, and beautiful images.

Here’s an in-depth instructional post on how to start a WordPress blog in 30 minutes!

If you use BlueHost, you also get access to their one-click WordPress installation feature which will have you set up in seconds.

Choose A Simple Theme That Looks Good On Mobile Too

A great-looking WordPress theme will ensure your website looks like a beauty blog and has all the essential design elements that a site like that may need.

A theme is also something that may make or break your blog, therefore, keep in mind to opt for a theme that looks simple, is easy to navigate, and it looks good on mobile too.

A great theme on desktop doesn’t necessarily mean it will look good on mobile too, and unfortunately, this is a frequent issue.

Nobody wants to read a blog if they cannot navigate their way around and there is just so much going on there until the point where it becomes downright confusing.

Once you’ve chosen your theme and ensured that it looks good on other devices rather than only on desktop, you can then customize the content, images, colors, and much more to ensure your site reflects your branding.

Choose Your Audience

Next, you need to think about who you want your blog to be aimed at, which will in turn help determine the content and the tone of your blog.

For example, if your goal is to inspire teenagers and young adults to take care of their skin and address skin concerns such as acne, you should write about affordable brands.

On the other hand, if you are aiming for an audience of 30+, you need to look into skincare with anti-aging benefits and anti-aging products that can address issues such as premature skin aging, hyperpigmentation, and reversing sun damage.

Additionally, if you are aiming for a more mature audience, lose the chatty, bubbly writing and girly layout. Mature audiences enjoy reading something that is simple, straight to the point, and effective.

Keep it clean.

Moreover, it is very important to grow your reader base and produce more content aimed for different audiences, and in order to do this, you will need to understand where your audience is coming from as well as what they like and what they don’t.

One way to do this is by using your social media accounts to interact with your audience and encourage them to leave feedback so you know what they appreciate and keep doing more of that.

Additionally, Instagram is a great tool for beauty bloggers to reach a bigger audience and encourage people to visit their site.

Set Up Different Categories

Nobody likes content that is just thrown in one category and is extremely difficult to follow.

Therefore, one great thing to do is to organize your content in different categories. This way you will be able to keep track to what you are producing and who is your content aimed at.

Additionally, it will give you an insight of what you are lacking and what you should probably work more on.

Most importantly, this kind of organization will be helpful to your audience as they will be able to easily go on reading the category they feel they belong to.

There is no need to keep articles about oily skin and dry skin in the same category. See what I mean?

Additionally, having an “About Me” category where you give a little bit more info about yourself and how your blog came to be is going to help your audience to get to know you better and find out who’s behind all those beauty advice they enjoy reading.

Moreover, this brings a sense of trust in the mind of your readers, therefore, an anonymous blogger may potentially have a significantly lower audience than someone who has made the effort to introduce themselves to their followers.

Write In A Way People Understand

You can have the best ideas and all the knowledge in the world but very little people will bother reading about this if your storytelling game is weak.

Writing online is very different from academic or corporate writing and try to remember to always present your information in a conversational, fun, and easy-to-follow way.

Present your information in short, easily digestible chunks of several sentences as this makes it easier for the average reader to follow topics and is more like natural speech.

This is important and is also something I am sometimes struggling with as I often catch myself writing an article the average reader won’t understand.

While wanting to share your extensive knowledge with the audience and educate them on what you think is important, the truth is that you have to speak their language and not assume that everyone will understand what you’re trying to say.

Even if you are a professional in the beauty industry, don’t make your audience feel like they need to know all these difficult and complicated things in order to achieve something simple – like having clear skin.

This is your passion, not theirs, so keep it simple.

Do Your Research

So you know what you’re going to write about and how you’re going to write it. The next step is to do your research and find out what consumers are looking for.

A good way to get ideas is to find other successful blogs in your niche and see what they are doing by studying the kind of topics they post and what they are doing to drum up interest.

Nope, do not copy! But look for creative ideas that you can implement to your blog and make it successful by identifying some things you know people are interested in.

For example, go through their history and see what their readers are engaging most to, what kind of comments they write, how they respond to certain things mentioned in the article, what do they want to know, etc…

The goal isn’t to be the same as everyone else. You want to be better than that and come up with something unique for your business.

Be Honest

One way or another, we have all been lied to by our favorite influencers, YouTubers, etc…

That’s why it is no surprise that people are becoming less and less trusting when it comes to whom they go to for advice if they are thinking of purchasing a beauty product.

You want to avoid being labeled as someone people shouldn’t trust as this may seriously harm your reputation and the one of your business too.

Therefore, if you are being paid to write about something, make sure that you state this clearly somewhere in the beginning of your article.

We all skim through articles and no matter how much we are enjoying it, we don’t always have the time to finish reading a 3,000-word review on a product.

This makes it easy for people to miss your disclosure, therefore, try to make it a point that you are not lying to your readers.

Additionally, if someone sends you items for review purposes, do not agree on a positive review at all costs.

Always keep it real by disclosing that nobody is paying for your opinion, they are simply paying for you to do a job of testing and writing about your experience with their product.

Readers appreciate this type of honesty and don’t worry if you lose a sponsor or two, the most important thing is to keep a trusting audience that comes to you for opinions on a product.

NB: If you’d like to have a certified beauty therapist create content for your blog, you can learn more about my writing services here

Monetize Your Blog

Once you have set up your beauty blog, it is now time to monetize it.

One of the most successful ways to make money from a beauty blog is through affiliate marketing. You can join relevant skincare affiliate programs and promote their products on your website by writing reviews about them.

This will not only give you the opportunity to test a lot of amazing beauty products, but you will also be able to help your audience pick a product they will love and enjoy using.

Each time you mention a product, add an affiliate link to your page or post. When your readers click through and purchase the product, you will earn a percentage of the sale.

This can be beneficial for both yourself and your audience as there are so many beautiful products out there, you don’t even need to make things up in order to sell, you just need to make someone aware of how that product will be beneficial for them.

Another way of generating income through your website is to display ads on it.

Selling ad space on your beauty blog can be a great strategy if you are looking to generate recurring monthly revenue, without really doing anything more than that.

However, note that this will only be a viable option once your site is receiving lots of traffic.

Make sure that any brand that advertises on your blog reflects your beauty niche. You want any advertisements to enhance your site, and not take away from the user experience.

It makes completely zero sense that you are writing about beauty and skincare products, but you advertise bikes (for example) just because the company pays you well.

Here are several other useful ways to make money with your blog.

NB: From my experience, the best place to start your blog is with Bluehost. You get a free domain, free security, and 24/7 support for just $3.95 per month.

Starting a beauty blog can be an intimidating thought, especially since everyone and their goldfish seem to be sharing beauty tips all over the internet.

However, don’t forget that there is always room for originality and while this is definitely not an easy thing to do, it can potentially be a lucrative option for you and an opportunity to do something you are passionate about and make money out of it.

I hope you found my tips for starting a skincare blog useful, so let me know in the comments below if you are thinking of doing this in the new year!

38 thoughts on “10 Tips For Starting A Skincare Blog (From A Skincare Blogger)”

  1. This is one of the best articles regarding skin care I have ever read. Thank you very much for sharing this piece with us and I’m looking forward to reading more such articles in the future as well.

  2. Thanks for your insights. I’ve seen a lot of skincare blogs come and go, so I think that regular content is essential. Things change so quickly and new products come out all the time, so keeping up to date is going to keep you ahead of the crowd and keep your audience coming back for more.

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  6. Hey , Thanks for the skincare blogs which is highly useful and beneficial for all people . A good blog with more skin care tips and great effort doing this kind of awareness blogs . please share more useful blogs

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  8. Hello! I signed up with Bluehost and am wanting to become a skincare/skincare review blogger myself! Your blog post really helped me figure out who I want my audience to be! Which has been a struggle for me, so thank you so much! You’re very insightful and to the point! I can’t wait to start my blog!


  9. Really great advice! Running a beauty blog can be lots of work but it can also be a super rewarding way to connect with an audience and share info that can actually make somebody’s life better!

  10. Excellent advice! While maintaining a beauty blog can be time-consuming, it can also be a very gratifying method to engage readers. It can be quite beneficial to create a skincare routine that consists of both a cleanser and a moisturizer.

  11. Thank you for sharing that helpful information. It’s always great to have more resources at our fingertips, and I’m grateful that you were able to share it with us. Thanks again!


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