8 Ways To Make Money With a Skincare Blog

Skincare blogs are among the most popular types of blogs that people start online.

You may think that the skincare niche is saturated; however, the fact that the industry is experiencing growth means that there are opportunities to grow as a skincare blogger and attract a trusting audience. 

Whether you are an industry professional and want to share your knowledge with the world or are simply passionate about testing skincare products and giving your opinion about them, you should totally get into blogging. 

However, since you are already going to put in the effort to create a blog and write articles, you are probably wondering what you can do to monetize your content.

This is why in this article, I will share eight ways to make money with a skincare blog, which are the same ones I’ve been using to earn an extra income every month with this skincare blog you’re reading right now.

With that said, here are…

The 8 Ways I Make Money With My Skincare Blog (Explained Below)

  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Google AdSense 
  • Other Display Network Ads
  • Sponsored Posts
  • Create Your Own Online Store
  • Sell a Digital Product
  • Launch a Membership Site
  • Consultations/Coaching Services

how to make money with a skincare blog

NB: If you’re still just getting started with skincare blogging, you may want to see my previous guide explaining how to start a skincare blog.

Affiliate Marketing

how to make money with skincare affiliate marketing

With affiliate marketing, you get paid for linking or recommending products or services if someone purchases a product (or a service) as a result of clicking from your site. 

When someone buys after visiting the business you linked to from your site; you’ll get either a percentage or flat-rate commission.

The only thing you need to do is sign up for the website that has an affiliate program (it’s usually listed at the bottom of the website), and if your blog is accepted – they will give you a trackable link to share with your audience. 

For example, let’s say you purchased a new cleanser or a serum from Paula’s Choice or another skincare brand. You can use this product for some time and then write a blog post with your opinion and experience using it. 

You can describe what it is, what it does, who can benefit from it, etc., and add your unique link to the store people can buy this product from.

The important thing here is that the customer still gets the same price, no matter if they buy something based on an affiliate’s recommendation or directly from the vendor, because you will be earning your commission from the company, not the customer (your reader).

Avoid linking to vendors where the same product will cost more because people are quick to pick up on these things, and maybe it won’t harm your reputation, but it’s not a really nice thing to do. 

Besides that, don’t be afraid to opt for affiliate marketing because it’s one of the most genuine forms of earning commissions for your hard work and recommending products you genuinely love and enjoy using. 

You don’t have to recommend a product you don’t like just for the sake of earning a small commission. You can only recommend products you like and products that will genuinely help your reader’s skin concerns. There’s nothing wrong with earning money this way. 

Now, there are two ways to gain access to the affiliate link that will earn you the commission: 

  • affiliate network
  • an individual affiliate program

Affiliate networks contain a huge pool of programs you can join, while individual affiliate programs don’t use any third-party platforms to host their program.

Amazon is an example of an individual affiliate program; they run the program on their own platform and don’t use a network.

Affiliate networks are more convenient because they make everything so easy: you can access a ton of programs in one place, apply to those programs, find out how much they pay, get your affiliate links, and get paid…all right there in your affiliate dashboard.

Here’s a list of great skincare affiliate programs, along with a few more affiliate networks you should consider joining:

  • Awin
  • ShareASale
  • Rakuten 
  • Honey
  • FlexOffers
  • CommissionJunction

Google AdSense 

This is one of the most common ways new bloggers monetize their blogs, and it makes up for around 70% of the income for someone who is a full-time blogger; therefore, it is important to set this up as soon as possible. 

As you begin generating traffic on your blog, you can sign up for Google AdSense.

Every time Google displays ads to your website visitors, you will get paid a small fee. 

Over time, this can add up to a steady stream of income that will continue to grow as your traffic grows.

There are many other ad networks that you can choose from, but Google AdSense is one of the easiest ones to set up. Also, it requires very little maintenance, making it perfect for beginners.

Another good thing about it is that Google will serve up ads relevant to your content and your visitors. This means chances are there will be skincare recommendations in these ads or other things your viewer has googled previously (i.e., recipes, retail stores, etc.)

And you’ll get paid if someone clicks on your ad (known as cost per click) or even if someone just views your ad (known as cost per impression).

This option is a big moneymaker; however, it’s also a good idea to have other ways of monetizing your blog, especially if you want to do blogging full time. 

Other Display Network Ads

join mediavine with a skincare blog

AdSense is technically a display network that’s most popular with beginner bloggers; however, it definitely isn’t your only option. 

There are tons of other networks that pay even better than AdSense; however, they have certain requirements you have to meet before your blog is approved and all set to start displaying ads. 

Some of them are:

Sponsored Posts

how to get sponsors on your skincare blog

As your blog grows, you are likely to have the opportunity to work with brands and companies that will pay you to write a post about their products on your blog.

These are called sponsored posts. 

Depending on the individual contract these companies will offer, you are likely to be asked to introduce their products or services to your audience, review their products and services on your blog, explain a little more about them, etc.

You can do this in exchange for free products (or services) or monetary compensation. 

When using this tactic, only write product reviews on products that fall within your skincare niche so that you avoid alienating your blog readers.

For example, if you are a blogger focused on skincare products for acne, keep going with that. Or, if you are a blogger focused on dry skin – stick to product recommendations for this particular niche. 

Create Your Own Online Store

how to create a skincare blog online store

This is yet another creative way to monetize your new blog.

You can set up your own shop (using Shopify) and sell various items such as skincare products from different brands, merch with creative skincare quotes, etc. 

Here are just a few things you could consider selling in your online shop:

  • stickers
  • mugs
  • pens
  • keychains
  • metal pins
  • notebooks
  • water bottles
  • skincare planners
  • skincare books
  • silk face masks

Sell a Digital Product

how to make money selling digital skincare products

If you are a professional in the industry (esthetician, beauty therapist, cosmetician, cosmetologist, etc.) and want to teach your readers something specific such as how to recognize their specific skin needs, how to treat or take care of certain skin concerns, how to achieve their skin goals, etc….

You should definitely consider creating a digital product. 

Some of these you can offer for free, and others you can sell on your blog as a way to monetize your traffic. Here are two digital products you could sell:

E-book: all you have to do to create an ebook is figure out what topic/s you are going to cover, create a pretty PDF on Canva (the premium features are amazing, but you can do a lot with the free version, too), create an account on Gumroad and upload your digital product. 

Course: if you want to make your product a little more vast, you can opt for an online course that you can sell through platforms such as Udemy, Teachable, Skillshare, etc. 

And lastly, you should consider creating a few free products such as how-to guides on a particular topic for your readers to sign up with their emails and gain access to.

This will not only help them see what you have to offer, but it will help you collect emails to promote your paid products in the future. 

Launch a Membership Site

how to launch a skincare membership website

This is yet another great digital product you should consider committing yourself to.

However, this will probably work better if you have a large following not only on your blog but also on your social media platforms.

With a membership site, your readers, followers, and subscribers will pay every month to access a full community of information. 

This could be a community where you will answer questions about your other paid products, interact with your audience, and give the people that support you access to you, basically.

Consultations/Coaching Services

make money offering skincare consultations online

Consultations and coaching services are also something you can provide for your readers if you are a professional in the industry. 

If you have in-depth knowledge or skills in a particular area or you are qualified to give skincare advice, you can set up a consultant landing page on your blog so you can start attracting clients. 

Online consultations boomed, especially in 2020, because many people just want to be pointed in the right direction and get help with product recommendations from the comfort of their own homes. 

PS: If you have a skincare blog and you’d like me to create content for your website, you can get in touch with me here.

1 thought on “8 Ways To Make Money With a Skincare Blog”

  1. Thank you for the information. I’m restarting the blog that I had since 2014. Now I have more knowledge about SEO, so I hope my blog will work better and get more readership now. Please support and check out my blog!


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