Taking Accutane can definitely make your day-to-day decisions more challenging, no matter how small they might’ve seemed before starting the medication.
For example, can you drink alcohol or smoke while on Accutane? What about eating certain foods or taking certain supplements?
Now, I get it. There’s so much fuss around this medication, and not without a good reason; however, not everything you do while taking Accutane will necessarily hurt you.
There’s one area we are (almost) 100% safe while taking Accutane, and that is supplements.
Almost every supplement on the market can be taken while on Accutane, and magnesium, the supplement of excellent sleep and great mood, is no exception.
So, read on to learn about the effects of magnesium and Accutane, as well as how this supplement can help take care of your mental health while taking this powerful acne medication.
What is Accutane and How Does it Work?
Accutane is the brand name for the medication known as isotretinoin, an oral medication used to treat severe acne on the face and body.
It is also commonly prescribed to people whose acne has resisted previous treatments, such as benzoyl peroxide, adapalene, and antibiotics, as well as those dealing with severe acne in larger areas such as the chest and back.
Accutane inhibits the function of the oil-producing glands by reducing the gland’s size, thus reducing the amount of oil produced and essentially reducing acne since acne is caused by the buildup of oil in the pores that has led to bacteria overgrowth.
However, this action, although beneficial for aggressive bacteria and severe acne is known to bring some unpleasant side effects.
Side Effects of Taking Accutane
The most common side effects of taking Accutane include dry skin, chapped lips, and dry eyes.
Additionally, sometimes, people that are going through a long course of Accutane can experience joint pain, headaches, and hair loss, but these are rarer side effects that don’t happen to most people.
Finally, many people say that those taking Accutane are also at a higher risk of developing depression, suicidal thoughts, and other mental health issues; however, the research supporting this is still lacking.
But besides that, some people have taken the matter into their own hands and have turned to the help of mood-boosting supplements to make sure their mental health is in check while taking Accutane.
One popular option for this has been magnesium, with many people swearing by its ability to reduce anxiety and provide a calming effect.
Can You Take Magnesium While on Accutane?
The two most popular forms of magnesium available on the market are magnesium malate and magnesium glycinate, both of which are safe for people taking Accutane.
The reason for this is that both forms of magnesium are absorbed in the body differently than other types, meaning that they won’t interact with Accutane and will just deliver the necessary dose of magnesium without any interference.
Magnesium malate is a dietary supplement that combines magnesium and malic acid. This form is preferred by athletes or those looking to reduce fatigue and improve their energy levels, as it has been linked to several health benefits, including improvements in mood, blood sugar control, exercise performance, and chronic pain.
Magnesium glycinate, on the other hand, is a form of magnesium bound to the amino acid glycine. It has been found to have calming effects and can help with insomnia, anxiety, and stress, which is why it’s preferred by people looking to improve their mental health.
Both forms of magnesium are safe to take while taking Accutane, as they do not interfere with the medication’s effectiveness and can, in fact, mitigate some of the potential side effects this drug may have on your mental health.
While I personally haven’t been through Accutane, I have experienced some of the benefits of taking magnesium, especially improved sleep and more even-keeled moods, and since it won’t interfere with the medication, I’d recommend it to anyone who is looking for a way to mitigate Accutane’s potential side effects.
Additionally, I have read multiple Reddit threads where users have said that taking magnesium has helped reduce their gastrointestinal issues while they were on Accutane. Therefore, if you’re having digestive problems, it might be worth trying this supplement.
In my course, The Acne Solution, I talk about how important digestion is for clear skin, as when your small intestine is not functioning correctly, it can spill over and cause problems for your large intestine, which leads to an overgrowth of bacteria. This shift in your gut microbiome can cause or exacerbate acne, in addition to a host of other gut and digestive issues.
In addition, magnesium is most effective when taken with vitamin D. This is because vitamin D assists your body in absorbing magnesium more effectively.
So, if you are taking Accutane, which likely means that you have been advised to avoid sun exposure, I would recommend adding a vitamin D supplement to your daily regimen alongside magnesium. Doing so will improve mood and sleep quality and help digestion.
In conclusion, taking magnesium while on Accutane is safe, as both forms of this dietary supplement – magnesium malate and glycinate – won’t interfere with the medication and its effectiveness.
What Vitamins Should You Not Take While on Accutane?
The only supplements you should avoid while on Accutane are those that contain vitamin A, as these can interact with the medication and potentially lead to more side effects.
You may think that taking vitamin A will make the medication work better or faster, but Accutane is already the most powerful and effective option for acne out there, and there’s no need to risk potential side effects only to get results faster.
If you feel that your Accutane dosage isn’t doing enough, talk to your dermatologist about your options.
On the other hand, if you feel that Accutane may be too intense for you or the side effects are unbearable, again, talk to your dermatologist about other treatment options available or ways that you can mitigate the side effects.
It’s important to be honest and open with your dermatologist, as they have the best knowledge and expertise to help you find the right course of treatment that will produce the best results.
But other than that, you can pretty much take any supplement that works for you while taking Accutane.
In fact, your doctor might even encourage you to take multivitamins, omega-3 fatty acids, probiotics, vitamin E, or any other supplement that can help with your overall health while on this medication.
Just make sure to read the labels and never exceed the recommended dose.

My name is Simone and I am a certified skin specialist. I created this website to teach my readers how to take great care of their skin and I also like to occasionally share my honest opinions on skincare products I’ve tried. You can learn more about me here.